Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 1 - It's Time to Leave

OK so we've been looking forward to this for a long time. It's time to leave for Belgium to see Megan and Clay, and all of our bags are packed. The blue duffel bag, which by the way, weighs a ton, is filled with all of the requested items from Meg and Clay, so you two get excited! Meg, we are trying really hard to fit this last bag of chips. Oh, and Clay, if you look closely, you can see some of the sweets you wanted peeking out of my suitcase.

We each had our "American" breakfasts of choice...these choices also tell you a lot about each of our different tastes. This morning is a pretty busy one, Clint has to go work the pre-game at the Ballpark, and I am singing with the church choir at the ballgame. Then we race home, get picked up by the Pasche's, and we're off. We will try to update each day with our adventures, so stay tuned!


  1. Come on, come ON!! Can't wait to see you... and that bag of chips! :)

  2. Hope you guys have a great trip and a lot of fun. Looking forward to following your adventures on the site.

  3. WAKE UP DUDE!!! and do another post!!!
